Hands & Feet for Motor Coordination


What’s Included: 12 page PDF that includes hands and feet in three different colors - blue, red, and black. The hand sheet should be folded in half so that the color shows on both sides of the paper for a child while they complete a motor task.

Why I use it: Oh man where to start! I assess all my students using motor coordination activities like jumping jacks and stride jumps to determine how well they can motor plan, sequence, coordinate their right/left sides of their body, etc. I have found it to be pretty common that if a student struggles with handwriting, they often struggle with motor coordination tasks too. Therefore I created this digital download to help simplify these motor tasks for students. Using two different colors and allowing the visual system to aid a student, he or she will be more successful in performing the requested motor tasks. The child’s motor planning will still have to be slow initially but the visual aids help improve the accuracy significantly.

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