Home Exercise Programs (HEPs)


What’s Included: 5 page PDF with three different home exercise programs focused on: Coordination & Cognition; Fine Motor; and Heavy Work (Proprioceptive Activities). At the bottom of each page, you can write in your name and contact information.

Why I use it: I would consider these three HEPs the staples of my practice. Fine motor activities are useful for almost every child or student. Sure you can google and find any and all of these activities, but my goal here was to simplify it for you and me. All three HEPs are on a single page as I do not want to overwhelm a parent or teacher. The second most common HEP I provide focuses on heavy work - especially for all my sensory kiddos! Then, as more foundational skills are developed from the first two HEPs, I’ll provide the third HEP that adds a cognitive load to motor coordination. So good! I hope you find them as useful as I do.

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